Saturday, May 23, 2020

Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teenage Pregnancy - 1620 Words

â€Å"Teen childbearing is associated with negative consequences for the adolescent parents, their children, and society,† (The Office of Adolescent Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Teenage females associated with childbearing expose themselves to many risks and negative effects that can affect their future. Females result with many consequences due to teenage pregnancy. This paper will strictly focus on the effects females experience through teenage pregnancy. The reader will be able to develop an overall understanding of the causes of teen pregnancy. Also, the reader will be able to distinguish the psychosocial effects on the girl during adolescent pregnancy. The reader shall understand the risks of health complications females experience through childbearing. Teenage pregnancy could be defined as a teenage female between the ages of 13-19, who becomes pregnant. Despite the fact that it is not inevitable, some life circumstances place adolescent girls at higher risk of becoming a teenage mother. Poverty has a strong correlation with adolescent pregnancy. Other circumstances that could influence the adolescent would be, living in single parent household, and having a mother that was teenage mother. They are several indicators of why sexual intercourse occurs during the adolescent years. Some examples would be early pubertal advancement, sexual abuse, poverty, the absence of supporting parents, a lack of education from poor school performance. TeenageShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teenage Pregnancy1850 Words   |  8 Pageson preventing teen pregnancy. This paper will attempt to describe the research surrounding sex education, mostly abstinence education and the importance of contraceptive. The discussion surrounding sex education will focus not only on current research findings, but also on the truth of the research that has produced different and often conflicting results. Finally, this essay will discuss programs that focus on the role of boys and their importance in teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy create many socialRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy : A High Risk, The Effects, And The Prevention Of Teen Pregnancy1242 Words   |  5 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a huge problem in the United States, but the rates are not at an all-time high. The pregnancy rates of teens have actually gone down in the past few years, but it still is a big problem here in the United States. The United States has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy, Russia has the second highest. Teenage pregnancy is a social and economic problem; it is not good for our country. This essay, will discuss who is at a high risk, the effects, and the prevention of teen pregnancyRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Causes Serious Physical And Emotional Problems1369 Words   |  6 Pages Teen pregnancy causes serious physical and emotional problems for adolescent mothers, therefore there should be steps taken to prevent such things from happening. I have a close friend who got pregnant at the age of fifteen. It was a mega crisis for her and her baby. It caused a heartbreaking feud between my friend and her parents, as well as her schooling, leading her to drop out of high school. The emotional stress she gained was harming her body. The baby’s father wanted nothing to do with theRead MoreThe Importance of Comprehensive Sex Education to Decrease Teen Pregnancies894 Words   |  4 PagesIn the United States today, many teenage girls are facing lots of problems. New problems are rising such as an increased pregnancy rate among teenagers. 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A person’s socioeconomic status a lot of times determines â€Å"education, expanded family size, single-parent household structure, and lessened resources in terms of employment and income.† These three authors claim that educational performance and goals â€Å"dictate the potential costsRead MoreReflecting on Sources: An Assignment1879 Words   |  7 Pageshelp in reducing and preventing of teen pregnancy. The organization is called The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. She is influential because she has served on many advisory boards which promote the values and policies towards the prevention of teen pregnancy ADDIN EN.CITE The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy201197(The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2011a)979712The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy,Sarah Brown20111776 Massachusetts AvenueTheRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Is A Public Health Issue1637 Words   |  7 PagesTeenage birth rates, defined as live births per one thousand 15-19-year-old US females, declined by 10% from 2012 to 2013 from 29.4 to 26.5. In fact, the birth rate has been on a steady decline over the past 20 years, from 61.8 in 1991 to 26.5 in 2013. Teenage pregnancy represents both a health and social inequality in our society. Specifically, teenage childbearing is a public health issue because teenage mothers are more likely to experience negative social outcomes such as dropping out of schoolRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Essay760 Words   |  4 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a huge problem that the United States faces today. Amongst other countries the United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy (Ayadi, Kuo, Adams Gavin, 2010; Minnick Shandler, 2011). In the year 2015 the Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) reported that the birth rate was twenty two point three per thousand for young women ages 15-19 (2015). It also stated that of births to single women were to teenage mothers in 2009 (Ayadi et al., 2010). 14 million babiesRead MoreCauses of Teen Pregnancy Essay1472 Words   |  6 PagesResearch shows that teen pregnancy is steadily decreasing. It has dropped more than 44% from 1991 to 2010(Writer); however, in my community it seems to be on the rise. It’s never a surprise to hear someone discussing about a new girl being pregnant. Pregnancy use to be a precious gift, but this generation is turning it into a new trend that they perceive to be as socially acceptable. I was raised to receive an education first, marry the love of my life, and then have children. Some people mayRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : Teenage Pregnancy1404 Words   |  6 PagesLauryn Jones Block 5 4/27/16 What is Teen Pregnancy? Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20. A girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate which can be before her first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. In well-nourished girls, menarche usually takes place around the age of 12 or 13. Most teenage girls don t plan to get pregnant, but many do. Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother

Monday, May 11, 2020

Manipulation in Documentaries - Supersize Me, the Great...

Every night when we sit down to watch our much loved Grey’s Anatomy or Desperate Housewives, we know for a fact they are fictional dramas which allow us to escape the reality and boredom of our lives. We also realise the scripted shows use many tactics to manipulate our thinking. The producer does this to position us towards a specific view of life. But what do we expect from a documentary? We know documentaries to be faithful recounts of events; however, these events may be subject to just as much manipulation as the intriguing plots in our addictive shows. Many documentary makers include their individual cultural assumptions and discourses to distort the truth and position the target audience to react in a desired manner. This†¦show more content†¦He also includes many techniques including camera angles, music and sound, lighting and many elements typical of documentaries. Spurlock uses Mise-en-scene to prove that obesity is a result of extreme fast food intake by purposely filming obese people walking through a shot at McDonalds. Spurlock also uses the technique of interviewing doctors and scientists to grab our attention and make it difficult for us, the audience, to make our own decision. He does this as the majority of us believe scientists and doctors have the most knowledge on this argument and therefore we will agree with his discourse. Similarly the documentary, ‘Great White – Deep Trouble’, produced by John Bredar, attempts to influence the audience to feel sympathy and love for the Great White which to many represents a killer beast. The documentary aims to manipulate us towards the view that sharks are gentle fish that are simply misunderstood by humans. Through the journey of David Doubilet, a famous photographer, the audience are presented with pictures, journal entries and filming of the Great White in the hope of capturing the perfect shot. One of the crew on the mission is Rodney Fox who previously had a bloody encounter with a Great White and survived. Although the majority of us would be too afraid to return to the water, Fox has chosen to partake in the mission of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The professional teacher in classroom, school, and society Free Essays

Introduction: By the 1970s, large authoritiess were criticized about interfering the function of markets and the ability of the persons to run their ain personal businesss. Managerialism and marketization of the public services was the chief impression of ‘new public direction ‘ . In order to better the efficiency and effectivity in the populace sector, different schemes such as internal audit and quality confidence have been introduced. We will write a custom essay sample on The professional teacher in classroom, school, and society or any similar topic only for you Order Now ( Aucoin, 1990 ) As instruction is one of the cardinal public services in Hong Kong, it can non hedge from the tidal force of marketization. The reform is related to the transportation of duty from the authorities to the school. In other words, there is a alteration in the nature of the authorities engagement with a position to going more competitory and providing for the demands in the market, and the ever-changing universe. Efficiency, answerability, quality and efficient usage of resources have become the ‘yardstick ‘ in measuring the public presentation by society, authorities and schools. Those standards have made a great impact on instruction at all degrees. Policy of Decentralization in Schools: In an effort to advance ‘quality instruction ‘ in schools, Hong Kong authorities introduced the thought of a school-based direction theoretical account with a position to conveying about decentalisation. This policy based on an premise: when a market mechanism is in topographic point in the instruction system, s chools will go antiphonal and accountable to the populace, and therefore will choose for better-quality public presentation. ( Brown, 1995 ) Decentralization allows schools flexibleness to apportion resources. Marketization enhances the power of parents as they provide the demands. Diversity of school was decreased and hence the competition between schools is violent. The functions of instructors and pupils have to alter harmonizing to the above-named factors. Fig. 1 Marketization theoretical account ( Modified from Ball ) Parental pick: Parental pick is one of the cardinal influences of the educational market. Restructuring instruction by the authorization of parents and pupils through picks in instruction is the cardinal thought under acceptance of a market-oriented attack. In Hong Kong, most of the parents are fond of English Medium Secondary Schools because they believe in the myths of better educational services inside them. ( Band1c†Ya ®Ã‚ ¶e†¢Ã‚ ·a„†ºa‚?c µÃ‚ ±e†¹Ã‚ ±a? ­ , 2010 ) Presently, instruction is considered as a sort of commercial merchandise instead than larning to larn. The whole schooling system can be regarded as a trade good market controlled by civilization of quality. Furthermore, schools are the mills for â€Å" value-addedness † while the pupils ‘ acquisition results are the trade goods within the market. Parents are the goaded force and exert great force per unit areas to school in order to bring forth better reactivity and academic effect ivity. ( e ¶Sa ¤se†¹Ã‚ ±?-†¡c? ­ e ¶Sa?-a ®Ã‚ ¶e†¢Ã‚ ·e § , 2008 ) Diverseness: In the aftermath of the economic restructuring of Hong Kong into a service economic system, there was a great alteration of the prevocational and secondary proficient schools in 2000. Education and Manpower Bureau revamped and enriched the proficient course of study by stressing more on concern and technological facets every bit good as linguistic communications. ( Education Department, 1997 ) The differences between secondary proficient schools and mainstream secondary schools became bleary. Furthermore, inclusive instruction is introduced and implemented. Students with particular educational demands ( SEN pupil ) are encouraged to have instruction in ordinary schools every bit far as possible. This policy increases the learning diverseness of pupils inside chief watercourse schools. This follows with increasing of demands of resources and teacher re-training. In world, nevertheless, there is unequal support and resources. Under inclusive instruction system, schools can merely have $ 10,000 subsidies for every SEN pupil. Compared with the original system, schools can enroll one instructor and learning aid for every 15 SEN pupils. ( ez?a†¢Ã¢â€ž ¢e‚?eaS?a? §a ¤sca °Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ , 2005 ) Merely 6 % of instructors agree with adequate support under the bing system. ( Education Convergence, 2002 ) In the past 15 old ages, the diverseness of school is reduced due to revamping secondary proficient schools and inclusive instruction. More and more schools became mainstream schools. Normally, those schools focus on academic facets instead than developing pupil ‘s possible since academic accomplishment of pupils is an of import public presentation index under cognition base society. Students ‘ endowments are ever buried. Competition: Under marketization, competition becomes much more serious than earlier. From the fact that the figure of pupils entry to secondary one lessening dramatically ( a? ­a ­?aae ·?a?†¦e ©sa , 2010 ) , schools which did non get adequate figure of pupils might be closed by the authorities. In order to hedge from this procedure, different schools principals utilizing different schemes to pull pupils to analyze their school. The schemes including give different subsidy or even hard currency to the new pupils. Harmonizing to the research ( e ¦Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢e‚?a °Ã‚ ­aaâ€Å"?a?†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢a? «a ·?aeY? , 2010 ) , some instructors were forced to advance the school. The promotional activities including be aftering different activities, some even serve as salesmen on the street to advance the school. We believed that these should non be the responsibilities of instructors. The direct result is teacher can non pass equal clip on the lesson planning or fix ing resource for pupils. This implies that learning quality in footings of pupil larning result may deteriorate due to the deficit of readying. Second consider competition between pupils. Hong Kong is a cognition based society. Under the construct of marketization, educational success implies competiveness, which farther elaborates to money and high socio-economical degree. We argued that the ultimate end of instruction should non be served as a tool to mount up to higher socio-economical degree. If marketization continues, the purposes of instruction would go training pupils to accomplish academic success merely and in uniformity. We argued there would be two possible result of this uniformity. The first result is we would lose out value instruction. Previously school non merely concentrate on academic country, but besides the whole individual development of pupils. Teacher can hold flexibleness to learn different country of cognition, but non constrained to the examinational stuffs. But under marketization, we focus on the acquisition result and competiveness between pupils instead than value. It seems that the value instr uction is no longer of import in the modern society. Therefore we argued this may be one of the accounts of the happening of different societal issues. The 2nd possible result of uniformity is the changing of features of pupils. After marketization, we focus more on competition every bit good as public scrutiny. Therefore different accomplishments such as communicating or coaction may be omitted in the course of study. From the illustration of the maestro alumnus in Chinese university, this indicated that our current educational system maintain preparation pupils in this mode. ( a? ­a ¤Ã‚ §c? ©a? «200? ¬?e ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹a ·?a ¤Ã‚ ±?†¢- , 2011 ) This in bend pupils can merely execute good in the test merely, but can non use the cognition in the existent state of affairs or utilizing different accomplishments to work out jobs. The effects of the reform of educational system on instructors: In fact, the work load of instructors was really high before the reform of educational system. Teachers have more than 30 periods per hebdomad and it was one of the highest Numberss around the universe ( Cheng, 2004 ) . Furthermore, the figure of pupils per category normally is really high and it is about 40 per category. It may to a great extent increase the work load of instructors. Under the reform of the educational system, the work load of instructors is farther increased. In the yesteryear, the instructors could still manage their work. It was because of the standardised course of study, lower in-class diverseness of pupils and the comparatively teacher-centered instruction manner. However, under the reform of the educational system, the stria of pupils was changed from 5-band system to 3-band system. In other words, the intra-school diverseness of pupils became much higher. This may ensue in the dramatic addition in the trouble and cost of learning and direction of schools. Ultimately, instructors have to pay more attempt to cover with the jobs in learning, conselling and resources allotment. As the diverseness of pupil additions, the original high quality schools and pupils become second-rate since the resources have to be shifted to cover with the jobs of less able pupils. As mentioned antecedently, inclusive instruction is one of the of import policies under the reform of the educational system. It aims to include some SEN pupils into the normal categories so that SEN pupils can accept the legitimate instruction. This may increase the intra-school diverseness of pupils and the operating cost of schools. Besides, excess back uping resources should be needed. However, a batch of schools do n’t run into the standards to suit the SEN pupils and are forced to make so. Under the state of affairs of high work load and ‘big category ‘ , instructors really have non adequate clip and energy to take attention of the SEN pupils. As a consequence, the SEN pupils finally get no benefit. The reform of educational system involves the alteration in the instruction schemes and the usage of the instruction tools. In order to do the instruction more effectual, instructors have to take a batch of preparation classs about the alteration of the course of study, the application of information engineering and etc. Besides, some instructors have to complete the graduate student sheepskin of instruction. Teachers have to pay excess clip and energy on their surveies. In add-on to the work load and day-to-day responsibilities in school, instructors may experience collapsed. As a consequence, the success of the reform of educational system may be hard to be achieved since instructors really have no clip and energy to take attention of the diverseness of the ability of pupils and aid pupils ‘ growing. Decision: In decision, marketization have its ain advantages such as bettering efficiency of acquisition and instruction in footings of larning result. Nevertheless, the purposes of instruction and value instruction are neglected in the current marketized educational system. We believed that the disadvantages overwhelm the advantages and this is non a good pattern to our following coevals. Entire words: 1675 How to cite The professional teacher in classroom, school, and society, Essay examples